It’s hard to believe that yesterday my small business turned 4! I don’t know where the time has gone, it feels like it was just last week I was putting together my business plan and taking on-board my business advisor’s main piece of advice; keep looking forward and focus on getting to that year 3 mark!
It hasn’t been an easy journey, there have been many highs and lows, moments of self doubt and worry, and sometimes a little loneliness working for myself, but I wouldn’t change any of it for the world. Waking up every day to a job that I love which allows me to follow my photography dream makes those struggles of self-employment worth it! To know that my work is displayed in homes around the world is something that I could never have imagined when first starting out. Being sought out and chosen as the photographer to capture those special life moments is one of the greatest compliments I could receive. It’s this that keeps me motivated to push myself and my work as a photographer, to capture those all important moments whether it be a photoshoot or chosen location. Creating memories that last a lifetime!
With each year comes new goals, new inspirations and new opportunities, and I for one am excited to see where year 4 takes Lavender Line Photography!