A Drop In The Ocean

'The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings eternal joy to the soul’ - Robert Wyland

Wednesday 8th June marked World Oceans Day, a day when the importance of the ocean is brought to our attention with the hard hitting facts of climate change, pollution and its devastating impact.  This year I wanted to promote the campaign 30x30, a campaign designed to protect 30% of the world’s oceans by 2030.  By signing up and supporting this movement it is helping to bring forward the issues of climate change and how protecting just 30% of our oceans can help lead to a healthier support system.  After all, in a world that is built up of 71% water where would we be without it?!

‘For her the ocean was more than a dream, it was a place she needed to visit to find herself’ - Jose Chaves

As someone who has a real love for the ocean and whose work is heavily inspired by it, it is important to me that I help in any way that I can.  Though I am just one person, if I can inspire someone to change their way of thinking with a post or a photograph then I know that I have done my job right!  That is the beauty of social media, how people are made aware of current issues and how it enables them to help in their own unique way.

It is my goal this Summer to create a special ocean print that when purchased its proceeds can be donated to World Oceans Day, a beautiful touch of vitamin sea that people will have displayed proudly in their home knowing that they have helped protect the ocean.

I also wanted to give a quick shoutout to Balscadden Bay Baths (Howth) and their very simple, yet effective beach cleaning scheme. They have supplied bags and ask that each visitor collect 3 items of rubbish before leaving the beach on the climb back up. It is little acts like this that create a positive impact and one that I would like to see more beaches doing in a way to tackle pollution.  I had thought that I had taken a photograph of their system, but unfortunately not… next time though!

Balscadden Bay Baths, Howth

World Oceans Day

WOD wm.jpg

‘The ocean is full of untamed magic’

There is no place I feel more at home than on a beautiful beach, looking out to sea and watching those waves come rolling in. If ever an escape is needed from everyday life then a dose of Vitamin Sea is your answer!

Yesterday saw the return of World Oceans Day, a day in which to celebrate the beauty of our seas and to encourage us to look after our planet by making small changes to our daily routines. It is well known that the ocean provides us with many valuable resources and so it is important that we do our best to preserve it. Something as small as purchasing a re-usable water bottle to reduce your plastic intake can have a major impact in helping to protect our planet and something that I have made a conscious effort in doing this year. Also taking part in community beach cleans or solo cleans during beach outings is another great way to maintain our oceans. Little by little we can help to keep our seas clean!
