And I Pause...

‘And I pause for a while’ - Pink Floyd

Goodbye March, hello April!  Well, what can I say about March other than it is a month we will always remember and not in a good way! The month that most of our day to day lives came to a sudden stop and the world in which we knew changed before us. A month that has brought forward a lot of stress and uncertainty as a small business owner and a month that I can safely say I don’t want to repeat!

I’m still finding it hard to wrap my head around everything that is happening to us on a global scale, how one virus has been able to put a stop to the world, but I do take comfort in knowing that we are all in this together and that when we get to the other side of this we will learn to appreciate the finer things in life again.  

Lavender Line Photography Home Edition HQ #StayHome

Lavender Line Photography Home Edition HQ #StayHome

I know that I for one cant wait for the day that I can return to my beautiful studio, to create new and exciting photography series in the creative space that I have worked hard to make happen, and to finally launch my studio photo shoot sessions, something that was just about to takeoff before lockdown happened. I also cant wait for the first day to step back into my car and drive to my favourite coastal hotspots.  I’ve always been a beach girl at heart and am really missing those weekly hits of vitamin sea.  I long for that fresh sea air, the sound of the waves rolling in and feeling the sand between my toes.  It's little things like this that I will appreciate even more when life gets back to normal, sooner rather than later I hope!

The calming waves of Ballycastle Beach and one of my first North Coast locations to visit after lockdown!

The calming waves of Ballycastle Beach and one of my first North Coast locations to visit after lockdown!

My Portview studio view, a view that I can’t wait to get back to with cup of tea in hand!

My Portview studio view, a view that I can’t wait to get back to with cup of tea in hand!

Until that time comes I am currently working on two new photography series: my digital download series ‘Home From Home’ which will allow customers to purchase limited edition digital photography prints that can be printed off in the comfort of their home and help adapt to our new rules by adding favourite locations or wish-list destinations to brighten up that home decor. These digital downloads can also be added to all device home-screens as another way to display your digital purchases as new wallpapers.

Introducing my new digital download series ‘Home From Home’, an easy way to change your home decor wall art during lockdown.

Introducing my new digital download series ‘Home From Home’, an easy way to change your home decor wall art during lockdown.

The second is a print set series called ‘Take Two’ a series of print sets that will have an exciting compare and contrast theme.  I am looking forward to the challenge this series will bring me as a photographer as it means stepping outside of my comfort zone and working with the limited lockdown spaces I have to photograph each day. Who knows where it will take my work!

Introducing the first of my ‘Take Two’ print set series: Honey and The Star

Introducing the first of my ‘Take Two’ print set series: Honey and The Star

Although I do have these two new photography series to keep busy with (as well as catching up on a lot of editing), I will admit that it is a scary and uncertain time as a self-employed photographer, a time where there is no financial guarantees or big future plans.  I just hope that during these next few months I can keep my photography dream alive and encourage people to #StandWithSmall more than ever. If you can help your favourite small businesses in any way right now then please do as each and every sale really does mean the world and is the difference between staying open or having to close down.

#StandWithSmall from Etsy

#StandWithSmall from Etsy

Image found on Google ‘small business’ search

Image found on Google ‘small business’ search

Please stay home and stay safe xx

Chasing Dreams

‘If it excites and scares you at the same time, it probably means you should do it’ - Gurubogsa

Yesterday marked two months since picking up the keys to my dream studio and what an exciting two months it has been!  Although it was a little intimating at first to step completely out of my comfort zone, I have loved every second of this new chapter and putting together my dream space, as well as the opportunities it has brought me and my little business so far!  There is no better feeling than waking up each morning to do what you love and in an environment that completely inspires and motivates!

Here’s to pushing ourselves outside of those comfort zones and chasing those dreams!

(Studio tour post coming very soon!)

Where the Lavender Line Photography magic happens

Where the Lavender Line Photography magic happens

‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’

‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’

The Autumn Leaves of Red and Gold...

‘If a year was tucked inside a clock, then Autumn would be magic hour’ - Victoria Erickson

Autumn Leaves wm.jpg

I couldn’t agree more with Victoria Erickson’s description of Autumn, it really is our magic hour! The falling leaves, the crisp air and the beautiful tones that bring new life to sceneries before us. There is something magical about those early morning Autumn starts, the way in which the sunlight casts her spell through ever-changing trees and the rustling of fallen leaves breaking that morning silence. It is a time to reflect and inspire, a time to set new goals, a time to dream!

I always find myself more inspired this time of year, challenging myself to find new Autumn scenes, new twists on perspective and a new play on colours. There is something exciting about adding my own touch to the beautiful scenes that Mother Nature gives us. Like Autumn, I feel that it is important as an artist to embrace the ever-changing!

Below are just some of the beautiful scenes that I have come across this October and that are available for purchase on Etsy!

‘Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn’ - Elizabeth Lawrence

‘Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn’ - Elizabeth Lawrence