Shades of Spring

'No winter lasts forever, no spring skips its turn' 🌸

Kicking off March with some Lavender Line Photography in shades of spring to help inspire your home decor this new season! From those pastel seascapes to cityscapes and florals, there is a little spring palette favourite for everyone!

Pink Wondering

London Callin’

Lost in Pink

Original spring photography prints this way!

Winter Postcards

‘Take time to chase the snowflakes’

This week finally marked the first proper cold spell to hit Northern Ireland and the first snowfall of Winter 2024!

As I am someone who loves the four seasons and the weather that each season brings us here on the Emerald Isle, I have been patiently waiting for that first dusting of snow to hit and thankfully it happened on a week that I could work from home and enjoy every second of it during my walks.

Don’t get me wrong, it does not compare in the slightest to the stunning Scandinavian snow scenes that I have been seeing on Instagram with total snow envy (something that I have put on my bucket list to experience next winter), but it is a start to our Winter 2024 and it can only get better!

Below are some of my favourite moments captured from the week; from snow on the beach to walking in a winter wonderland. Now if only this Storm Isha that we are currently being hit with could do one and return the white stuff to us! ❄

Dream. Believe. Achieve

‘Because you believed, it happened’

Kicking off 2023 with another business goal of mine ticked off the list : 500 Etsy sales! I think it’s important as a small business owner to celebrate all wins no matter how big or how small they may seem! Although it took a little longer than ticking it off my 2021-2022 list, it makes me so happy to know that even in these difficult financial times we find ourselves in with a cost of living crisis, people are still connecting with my photography. It really is true what they say, whenever you buy from a small business, an actual person does a little happy dance!

So, here is to chasing dreams and ticking off that next business goal!

‘Success is a series of small wins’

Dream. Believe. Achieve

A Moment With Lavender Line

“Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.” -  Anita Desai

I’m taking a different approach to Wanderlust Wednesday today and sharing some best selling prints that have made their new home in countries such as America, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Sweden to name a few. It’s what I look forward to most;  seeing what print has caught the attention of the client, the story behind their print purchase and the country that is next to pin on my sales map. It makes it even more special when it is a print from home and seeing the love that people have for our beautiful coastline as well as the memories it holds. It’s a feeling that will never get old!

Below are just some of those LLP favourites!

Whitepark Waves : A touch of those Whitepark Bay waves to give that hit of vitamin sea!

To The Pier : It’s a written rule that you must stand here to appreciate the view when visiting Ballycastle Beach!

Golden Hour Mournes : A must-visit sunset location!

Ballycastle Blues : It’s hard not to fall in love with North Coast views like this!

Do you own a Lavender Line best seller? I’d love to see how it has settled into its new home! #LavenderLineAtHome

Lavender Line Photography Just Turned 7!

‘Be more than you ever thought you could be’ - E Russell

Goodbye July, Hello August and what marks Year 7 of Lavender Line Photography! I still at times find it hard to believe that I run my own small business, let alone hitting up that lucky number 7 milestone!  I would like to say that it’s all been smooth-sailing and just as glamorous as what Instagram can make it seem like being your own boss, but each and every year has come with its own set of challenges and new learning curves in a world that is ever-changing… and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

I can honestly say that there is nothing else that I would rather be doing!  There is no better feeling than getting to do what you love every day and knowing that your work brings joy to others; whether it be an image posted and shared online, a photography print displayed in a home of a special time and location or capturing a special moment or occasion.  That feeling of knowing just how powerful a certain capture of mine can be will never get old, it is something that I appreciate so much and will continue to appreciate every single day.

So, how did it all begin? Below are some little facts as to how my journey into small business owner started!

  • Ever since I can remember I have always had a love for the arts, whether it be painting, drawing or making. Though my main background was predominately Textile Crafts (creating unusual catwalk-like jewellery pieces), photography was always an important element within my work during my school, foundation and degree years.

  • After University I wasn’t sure what direction I wanted to take my career and felt somewhat creatively burnt out after back to back years of study and projects. I found that photography was a good escape from the burn out and so I started to photograph little aspects from everyday life.

  • Interview after interview, rejection after rejection, I found it almost impossible to find a creative job and fell into that catch 22 that so many of us find ourselves in when stepping out into the real world…. not enough experience!

  • I started focusing more and more on photography and documenting my trips away, creating mini series after mini series of work. I enjoyed looking at places from a new perspective and challenging myself on how to capture the beautiful scenes in front of me. Could this be my new career path?!

  • I decided to sign up to some business classes and business workshops at North City Business Centre to see if the small business world could be for me. It was here that I was assigned a business advisor who helped me put together a business plan and gave me a piece of advice that has always stayed with me; ‘always think two years ahead!’

  • With a business plan, a business name decided on (my favourite colour and part of my second name) and just £200 in my bank account I decided to step into the unknown and Lavender Line Photography was born!

Lavender Line Photography HQ - My dream studio and one of my proudest achievements in being a small business owner (Year 5)

It has been an incredible 7 years of business so far and one that I don’t think I could ever really have imagined even in my wildest photography dreams!  From capturing important moments to selling my work internationally, having my dream studio space at Portview Trade Centre to making new friendships with other small business owners both near and far who continue to inspire me daily. I count myself very lucky and very fortunate to call this my job!

Here is to 7 unforgettable years and to another exciting work year ahead with all things Lavender Line Photography! Thank you for your continuous support and following along on this journey!