Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zones

‘Great things never came from comfort zones’

It has been an exciting week here at Lavender Line Photography with the installation of Miss Golightly, the newest member of Team LLP.  If you follow along on my Instagram stories you will know exactly what/who I am talking about, if not, then fear not as you will soon be introduced!

I have lost count of the number of days/weeks/months/years I have spent researching photography printers (and papers) and reading each and every review to try and help with the big decision of purchasing and running my own printer. I mean if there is one piece of equipment that truly tests our patience then the printer has to win that race hands down!  I knew that this would be a big investment within my business and something that I did not want to rush into and later regret. 

Welcome to Team LLP, Miss Golightly!

Welcome to Team LLP, Miss Golightly!

So, after almost a year and a half of researching and a comment from the crazy talented Ryan Pernofski (‘I didn’t want to have to chase admin within my own business’) I finally decided to treat LLP to a Canon Professional Photo Printer. 

Secret Waters : Golightly’s first in-house test print!

Secret Waters : Golightly’s first in-house test print!

It has only been a week and a half and already I can tell that this has been worth every hour and every penny spent.  I would be lying if I said that the thought of being in complete control of my own prints was not daunting, but the ease of setting up (a big thank you to Graham from Graham Crichton Photography for helping), the smoothness of its running and the overall quality of prints has really blown me away.  It feels good to know that coming into the crazy Christmas period I will not have to depend on others to get my prints back to me and on to their new owners all within a strained timeframe.  It is exciting to know that from now on all Lavender Line Photography prints (well, up to A2 size) will be printed in-house and that it will be me in charge of every aspect from photographing to editing to printing!  Here is to stepping out of those comfort zones and pushing ourselves into the new, and of course to Miss Golightly, Head of Printing!

Dreamscape Series

Dreamscape Series

Anyone else a Breakfast At Tiffany’s fan? I am a huge fan of Audrey Hepburn and love the free spirit of Holly Golightly, so it seemed a perfect name and fit for a printer!

Breakfast At Tiffany’s (1961) and my favourite photograph of Audrey Hepburn as the famous Holly Golightly

Breakfast At Tiffany’s (1961) and my favourite photograph of Audrey Hepburn as the famous Holly Golightly

A Dream Within A Dream

‘I hope you find time to remind yourself that you are where you need to be and you will get to where you want to be’ - Jacqueline Whitney


It has been a busy and productive week here at Lavender Line Photography.  This week’s mini Indian Summer gave me the opportunity to put together the finishing touches to my Dreamscape series which I am really excited about.  So far it consists of 10 dreamy seascape prints, but I am tempted to add another 2 to the collection to make it a series of 12, which will then be released on the 21st September!  The best way to mark the end of Summer 2021 if you ask me!  

I will talk more about Dreamscape on my September 23rd Lavender Thursday newsletter, but to see this series come to life has been a dream come true! It is a series that I have visualised and wanted to create for so long, but found it hard to push myself to leave that comfort zone of controlled settings.  So to think that in less that two weeks it will be out there in the world is really exciting…. and even more so as this will be the first series that I will be in-house printing here at LLP HQ!  

A Dreamscape Sneak Peek

A Dreamscape Sneak Peek

I will be introducing you to the newest member of the team in next week’s Newsletter, but if you have been following along with my Instagram Stories you will have caught a sneak peek on Monday!

Until then…. Golightly!

P.S. I couldn’t finish last Thursday’s newsletter without mentioning the exciting news from Thursday 2nd September…. the reunion of ABBA! Anyone who knows me knows I love a bit of ABBA, so needless to say I have had their new song ‘Don’t Shut Me Down’ on repeat since the announcement and snapped up tickets to their Voyage show next year. What better than some ABBA meets London for 2022?!


Goodbye August, Hello September!

‘And the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep and autumn was awakened’ - Raquel Franco

Goodbye August, Hello September!

I can’t quite believe we are at the beginning of a new month and a new season already! Where did Summer 2021 go?!  I don’t know about you, but at times it feels like we are still in that crazy non-existent March 2020 timezone!  It’s funny how a lack of travel and holidaying somewhere foreign throws you off a sense of time like that.  I can’t wait for that first proper getaway and ticking off those months / seasons the right way…. maybe then I will get used to the fact that we are in Autumn 2021 and not Spring 2020!

Autumn is a favourite season of mine, I always look forward to getting out and about to capture those changing colours and cosy scenes.  There is no better feeling than that first walk with crisp air and rustling leaves.  I’ve made it a goal of mine to visit somewhere new and exciting each year and although last year’s Autumn was basically spent in lockdown, I was finally able to tick Stormont off my list.  This year I am hoping for the Mournes! It’s one that has been on my list for a while now, so what better than an autumn adventure to kick it off!

‘Chasing Gold’  - Stormont October 2020.  Don’t forget that you can add a touch of Autumn to your home decor by checking out my Etsy Print Shop (click above image)

‘Chasing Gold’ - Stormont October 2020. Don’t forget that you can add a touch of Autumn to your home decor by checking out my Etsy Print Shop (click above image)

Do you have a favourite place you like to visit during Autumn or do you like to change it up each year? I would love to hear about your favourite locations or places you would recommend visiting!

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

‘Great things never came from comfort zones’

It’s been a long time coming, I have actually lost count of how many to-do lists of mine this has featured on, but I am excited to announce that I am taking myself out of my comfort zone and bringing a weekly newsletter to Lavender Line Photography!  #LavenderThursdays

I am the first to admit that I am not much of a writer, but I have always enjoyed gaining an insight into other small business with their newletters, and so I thought it might be fun to give you an inside look into the runnings of LLP from week to week / project to project / ideas and inspirations!  So, why not sign up today to add a touch of Lavender to your Thursdays!


Daydream Believer

‘Dream Big, Work Hard, Make It Happen’

Back in mid November I reached my 250th Etsy sale and wondered if I could push myself to make that 300th sale before the end of the year. The 3rd of January saw that 300th sale come in and another goal reached. Although nothing is certain right now, it’s important to keep dreaming, keep believing and keep achieving.

A huge thank you to everyone supporting Lavender Line Photography, here’s to that next Etsy goal!

300 Etsy Sales wm.jpg

Lavender Line HQ Turns One!

A year ago today I picked up the keys to my beautiful dream studio at Portview Trade Centre. Who knew then that my first year would include a global pandemic which would put a bit of a hold on certain photography plans I had as a first time studio owner, but what a year it has been!
Having my own creative space has pushed me to work through the unknown and uncertainty and adapt my way of thinking and planning. To be in among other supportive small business owners, who know firsthand the ups and downs of self-employment and who have now become good friends, has been such a highlight to year 1. It has also pushed me to believe in myself and my work more.
They say that what is meant for you won’t pass you by and I have to say I truly believe that. What might not have looked like suitable timing for some has brought me the best year of business.

Here is to year 2 and dreaming, believing and achieving!

Lavender Line Photography HQ January 9th 2020

Lavender Line Photography HQ January 9th 2020

Lavender Line Photography HQ January 9th 2021

Lavender Line Photography HQ January 9th 2021

Dream Big . Work Hard . Make It Happen

Lavender Line Face Masks

I am very excited to announce that #LavenderLineFaceMasks are now available for purchase in Ballycastle Visitor Centre!  A perfect excuse to treat yourself or a loved one to a North Coast keepsake as well as keeping safe during this global pandemic!

Ballycastle Visitor Centre, home to #LavenderLineFaceMasks!  Get your North Coast keepsake today!

Ballycastle Visitor Centre, home to #LavenderLineFaceMasks! Get your North Coast keepsake today!

A huge goal of mine from the very beginning of Lavender Line Photography has been to get my work into a commercial outlet, something that is not an easy goal for any creative. Not only is it a dream come true to have my work now available for purchase in a Tourist Visitor Centre, but for that Visitor Centre to be in Ballycastle makes this goal of mine even more special.  It is a town that holds many memories and a very special place in my heart ; the town where my Grandparent’s love story began, the hometown of my dad, the Summers spent there as a child growing up and now the first place outside of Lavender Line HQ and Etsy to sell my work! 

So, if you are in the Ballycastle area be sure to call in to the Visitor Centre to see the wide range of beautiful arts and crafts that are on display and available for purchase from myself and many other local creatives.


Ballycastle Blues : A #LavenderLineFaceMask for those with a love of this beautiful seaside town and her stunning views of Fairhead

Ballycastle Blues : A #LavenderLineFaceMask for those with a love of this beautiful seaside town and her stunning views of Fairhead

Whitepark Waves : A #LavenderLineFaceMask for those with a love of vitamin sea!

Whitepark Waves : A #LavenderLineFaceMask for those with a love of vitamin sea!

Sunset Silhouette : A #LavenderLineFaceMask for this Causeway Coast sunset dreamers

Sunset Silhouette : A #LavenderLineFaceMask for this Causeway Coast sunset dreamers

Coming Soon....

I decided that with Year 4 of my little Photography business coming to a close I would kick off Year 5 with an exciting new product!  I’ve always wanted to take my photography prints into a new medium and with this new Covid era in which we now find ourselves, what better than the first product being Lavender Line Photography Face Masks! 

I am excited to announce that you will soon be able to purchase you favourite Lavender Line Photography prints in a personalised face mask to go about your daily routine.  Staying safe never looked so stylish!

‘ I go to seek a great perhaps’ - Looking For Alaska. The stunning Causeway Coast making for the perfect face mask for those adventurous sunset dreamers!

‘ I go to seek a great perhaps’ - Looking For Alaska.

The stunning Causeway Coast making for the perfect face mask for those adventurous sunset dreamers!

The first Lavender Line Photography Face Mask making it coastal debut!

The first Lavender Line Photography Face Mask making it coastal debut!

What Lavender Line Photography print best suits your face mask mood? Lavender Line Photography Face Masks coming very soon to Etsy! #LavenderLineMasks

Hello 200!

200 Etsy Sales! 

I still get so excited with each and every sale made whether it is on my Etsy shop, at a craft fair or through a private commission.  To have people near and far purchasing my photography work to add to their home decor or gift to that special someone is such a wonderful feeling and one that I hope will continue for many years to come.  I want to say a huge thank you to everyone supporting Lavender Line Photography, it hasn’t been the easiest of times for us small business owners during this global pandemic, but the love and support to shop small has been incredible and means so much! 

Here is to following those dreams and to the next 200 worldwide Etsy sales!

Celebrate Every Tiny Victory ; 200 Etsy Sales!

Celebrate Every Tiny Victory ; 200 Etsy Sales!

‘Whitepark Waves’ : I can’t think of a better photography print to mark my 200th Etsy sale!

‘Whitepark Waves’ : I can’t think of a better photography print to mark my 200th Etsy sale!

Those Little Signs

‘Great things are done by a series of small things brought together’ - Van Gough 

I’ve always been someone who believes in signs, how when we are looking for an answer or that little bit of guidance there is a small sign ready and waiting to reveal itself. ‘Portstewart Heights’ has always been a special print to me because of my Granda’s love for Portstewart and how proud he always was to tell the story of how his Dad helped to construct the cross that dominates that Portstewart coastal skyline. Of all the prints on my Etsy shop it was ‘Portstewart Heights’ that was the first print to sell since his passing two weeks ago… something that I like to think is my little sign.

Portstewart Heights

Portstewart Heights